
Our purpose for a sustainable future for all and our goal to become a pillar of sustainable energy policy drives us to initiate, oversee and implement energy-efficient measures.

Read about some of the key organizational steps we’re taking and the results of its impact-

Reuse / Recycle/ Recover

Mafatlal Industries Ltd. Nadiad‘s waste recycling is actively pursued across all its processes through long-term contractual relations with vendors, contractors, and agencies with established credentials in waste recycling and reduction.

We’re progressively leading in the waste management arena by supporting innovation, developing new technologies, and creating demand in mainstream society for environmentally friendly products and services.

  • Reuse of Process Water:
  1. We’ve installed a CAUSTIC RECOVERY PLANT so that weak lye generated from Processing Dept. can be recycled in CRP and it is reused again in the process.
  2. We’ve installed steam condensate recovery pumps at various locations, and by recovering steam condensate, we reduce the consumption of steam, which in turn helps in the reduction of fuel consumption.
  3. We’ve reduced wastewater generation by 25% in the year 2021-22 and our average wastewater generation was 30 Ltr/Mt, compared to 40 Ltr/Mtr before that.
  • Installation of water meters at various locations allows close monitoring, modification in process routes, and M/C design.

Reduction in CO2 Emission/Sustainable/Renewable Energy Source

We’ve taken the initiative of purchasing power from renewable and environmentally friendly sources such as solar and wind plants while improving energy accessibility and affordability. Our ultimate goal is to reduce carbon emissions and arrest Global warming.

Over the last 5 years, we have reduced 23248 tons of carbon emissions through solar and cogeneration.

Installed FBC Boiler with Cogeneration power plant: A sustainable choice

We have installed a 2.75 MW cogen power plant. We’ve generated around 325.71 lakh units of power between FY 2018 to 2022 through this sustainable choice.

Cogeneration or Combined heat and power (CHP) is clean, efficient, and cost-effective choice of generating electric power and thermal energy from a single fuel source.

Reduction in Air emission from Boiler operation

We’ve installed 3 ‘state of the art’ field Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) for the cogen plant to reduce air emission from boiler operations. Therefore, using them helps improve air quality in our homes, community, and society at large.

Energy Efficiency

Over the last 5 years, we have achieved a saving of 28.15 lakh units by implementing various energy efficiency improvement measures.

From the above, we expect a reduction in Annual power consumption by 5.15 lakh units/year.

Waste Water Treatment Plant (Effluent Treatment Plant)

We’ve upgraded our effluent treatment plant, which can treat 5.2 MLD effluent/day. To achieve better results of treated effluent, we’ve adopted advanced technology from ATE ENVIROTECH PRIVATE LIMITED. We’ve also set up an ultramodern ETP Water Testing Laboratory in our plant for close monitoring of various parameters.

Our other initiatives to become more energy efficient are:

Tree plantation: 

We conduct Tree plantation drives every monsoon on our premises for green belt development on an ongoing basis.

Installation of energy and water-saving modern machinery:

We’ve installed GOLLER CBR, AIR FLOW DYEING TEX-FAB washing for water-saving and Bruckner Stentor, UMUNA Stentor LR ring frame for energy saving.

Use of energy-saving LED lights:

We have installed about 2150 LED lights for energy saving in various departments.

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Mr. Abhay Jadeja

Sr.No. Name of Company Designation
1 Mafatlal Industries Limited Independent Non-Executive Director
2 Nilkamal Limited Independent Non-Executive Director
3 Amal Speciality Chemicals Limited Independent Non-Executive Director